blog · my point of view

Prickly bits

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: learning how to be vulnerable in front of others legitimately turned my life around. I could not recommend it enough. Yet, let me tell you that it’s not a walk in the park. Like everything else worthwhile in life, it comes at a price. You know, terms and conditions apply.

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Knocking down the wall

She thought she knew of loneliness.

She’s been lonely most of her life.

Not alone, but definitely lonely.

And for the most part she was fine with it, even considered herself happy and content.

She wasn’t actively looking for a relationship – it was never her priority.

But then she met someone who felt like home. And has become her home for a blissful while. Home which she cherished and appreciated every single day. It felt so good to belong. It made her life so infinitely better!

And then she had to give it up.

Became homeless again.

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blog · emotions · my point of view · relationships

Transactions and investments

My friend once told me I’m cynical and cold, because I said that, to me, every relation is like a transaction. An investment you choose to make, just the currency is different than money.

To be fair, when I first thought about relationships in such a pragmatic way, it also took me aback. Transactions? Investments? How can anyone say that about human feelings and emotions?! And wasn’t I supposed to be a hopeless romantic? All dreamy and idealistic?

But the more I thought about it, the more clear it became. Believe it or not, one does not exclude the other, even though we’re taught to believe that’s the case: you can be a hopeless romantic who simultaneously is a cynical, pragmatic bitch. Hello, yes, that’s me.

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blog · music · personal

I love MUSE


I believe that love, as Placebo’s song goes, never has to question why or how.

And so I could put it all into one sentence: I love Muse.

But I feel like explaining. Because it’s been over 10 years and my love still seems to be only growing. And ever since I got into them, I’ve always felt like defying all the haters. I never knew why, but I think I have finally figured it out: that’s my way of expressing love.

Because I love them precisely for what other people seem to hate them.

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