blog · my point of view · personal

On isolation

2020edinb05 (5)

I feel obliged to say upfront that I am one of those lucky individuals who does not have to worry about money and work at the moment – I could, of course, since no one really knows where it’s all heading and how it will eventually end, but realising there’s no point worrying in advance, I’m simply appreciating being furloughed. I treat the lockdown as an unique opportunity to enjoy life differently: locally, quietly, slowly. Which feels somehow unfair to write about, when so many people around are really struggling. But at the same time it doesn’t seem like enough of a reason to not share my own perspective. Different as it may be, it’s equally valid.

If half a year ago someone told me I’d be living through global pandemic right now, I would not believe them. Nor would I believe that I’d be quite okay with it.

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