blog · my point of view

It’s hard to live easily

The title of this blogpost is a rough translation of a favourite saying that my friend Kuba (who also took the above picture) repeats all-the-bloody-time, like a broken record. I don’t even remember when and how it all started, because it’s been going on for years. No matter what situation we find ourselves in, it always fits. The ultimate truth about life: what looks easy never is easy. Ironically, if you really want an easy life, you have to put a lot of work and effort into it.

Duh, things never just become easy, you have to work hard on making them easier.

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blog · my point of view

I believe in change

Throughout my life, I believed in various things: Santa Claus, magic, God, hell, heaven, destiny, “the one”, “true love”, perfection, my bad luck. All of those beliefs – toxic in my humble judgement – came crashing down the very moment my self-awareness rocketed. The gaping hole they left, got fairly quickly filled out by a new belief: in change. Oh, never have I ever believed in anything as much as I believe in change! If there is one thing in life I’m absolutely sure of, it’s that: change is the only constant. This one belief has been successfully governing my life since 2016 (i.e. when I wrote about it on my Polish blog), though I would now risk saying that it’s been subconsciously dictating all my life decisions since at least 2010.

Not that the timeframe actually matters here.

No, time is irrelevant when it comes to change: it’s never too late for it.

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blog · my point of view

The best time of my life

They were saying the best time of my life would be in high school. And so I waited for high school like for some freaking salvation. So much was supposed to change, so much was supposed to get better, while in fact not much changed at all. More than the best time of my life, I recall it as a line of lessons what not to do in the future.

Later on they were saying it’s the University years. That’s definitely it, one’s absolute prime, you’d never again have as many opportunities, as much knowledge and as many friends around you! So you’d better use it well, because, bear in mind, it would never come back. Well, as much as I liked my Uni days, yet again, I look back at it more as a useful learning ground than the prime of my life.

There are people telling me now that the best time of my life would be when I fall in love and marry. Or when I buy my own house. Or when I have my first child. Or when I publish my first book. Or when I earn my first million. Or when I travel half of the globe.

They’re all wrong. (Yeah baby, they’re wrong.)

The best time of my life is here and now, as it always should have been.

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