blog · my point of view

I believe in change

Throughout my life, I believed in various things: Santa Claus, magic, God, hell, heaven, destiny, “the one”, “true love”, perfection, my bad luck. All of those beliefs – toxic in my humble judgement – came crashing down the very moment my self-awareness rocketed. The gaping hole they left, got fairly quickly filled out by a new belief: in change. Oh, never have I ever believed in anything as much as I believe in change! If there is one thing in life I’m absolutely sure of, it’s that: change is the only constant. This one belief has been successfully governing my life since 2016 (i.e. when I wrote about it on my Polish blog), though I would now risk saying that it’s been subconsciously dictating all my life decisions since at least 2010.

Not that the timeframe actually matters here.

No, time is irrelevant when it comes to change: it’s never too late for it.

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blog · my point of view · personal



I don’t like snobs. Anything even slightly snobbish or posh makes me cringe. But as much as I dislike snobbism, I realize I may be coming across as a kind of snob myself, and that’s for more than one reason. Rather than boring you with stories of me being picky about coffee or manifesting some Muse-Snob characteristics in my fan-like behaviours, let me tell you about my language preferences. 

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