
Knocking down the wall

She thought she knew of loneliness.

She’s been lonely most of her life.

Not alone, but definitely lonely.

And for the most part she was fine with it, even considered herself happy and content.

She wasn’t actively looking for a relationship – it was never her priority.

But then she met someone who felt like home. And has become her home for a blissful while. Home which she cherished and appreciated every single day. It felt so good to belong. It made her life so infinitely better!

And then she had to give it up.

Became homeless again.

Continue reading “Knocking down the wall”
blog · emotions


Most of my life I believed I’m a late bloomer. And in many ways, when compared to some sort of standard, I indeed am: there is an abundance of things I got to do way later in life than most. I know now that it never mattered (still doesn’t) how quick, slow, hard or easy I find things in life. As long as I’m moving and changing, at my own pace, I’m doing it right. And so do you, fellow late bloomer, or you, slightly less familiar early bloomer.  

But I’ve recently realised that alongside being a late bloomer, there has always – or at least for the past decade – been a sphere of life in which I seemed to be right ahead of my peers. Emotional sensitivity, intuition and self-awareness were the things that – then and again – kept setting me aside. And ultimately getting me into endless trouble.  

Continue reading “Resilience”