blog · expat life · personal

The land of rainbows and unicorns

To me, the time on the verge of February and March marks the time of change. It’s the time when winter finally gives up and one can smell spring approaching. The days become longer, the new energy settles in and I finally feel like I can do things: go out, explore, move, make some new plans, change. It also marks four years since I first moved to Scotland and three years since I’ve started settling in. What a journey that’s been!

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blog · my point of view

Behind the glasses


There’s been this on-going joke about my glasses. Most of the newly met people like to imagine that I’m becoming a completely different person without them. The most frequent assumption is, of course, that I’m intelligent and responsible (which for some equals boring) in them, but crazy and recklessly spontaneous without them.

And even though it has nothing to do with the actual glasses, they’re right – I can be and I am being both. And many more, for that matter.

Does that mean I’m not authentic? That I pretend to be someone I’m not?

Well, those two and a dozen more of my selves are most certainly authentic. Because there’s no such thing as one real, fixed, authentic me. We all are wearing what stands for the glasses here. We’re all wearing masks. Many, many of them. Even (or maybe especially) when we think we don’t.

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